ABOUT OUR SPEAKERS .. Andrew D. Basiago In the late 1960s and early 1970s, Andrew Basiago in the company of his late father, Raymond F. Basiago, was repeatedly teleported from one part of the United States to another. Andy's father was an engineer, who worked on classified aerospace projects for the Ralph M. Parsons Company in California. Andy was one of a group of children participating in the time-space exploration program of the US defense-technical community, named "Project Pegasus."
In that capacity, Andy was the first American child to teleport and took part in trips to past and future events utilizing time travel technologies then being researched and developed by the Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA).
Coming forward to tell the truth about this advanced technology, Andy has enthralled listeners with his accounts of his time travel experiences on numerous radio and pod cast interviews in the United States, Canada, and Mexico. His appearance on Coast to Coast on November 11, 2009 was hailed as a major "disclosure event" and was one of the most popular broadcasts in the history of that show.
Andy has stated:
"Imagine a world in which one could jump through GRAND CENTRAL TELEPORT in New York City, travel through a tunnel in the time-space continuum, and emerge several seconds later at Union Teleport in Los Angeles. Such a world has been possible since 1967-68, when teleportation was first achieved by DARPA's Project Pegasus. When Project Pegasus truth campaign succeeds, such a world will emerge, and human beings linked by teleportation around the globe will proclaim that the Time-Space Age has begun."
Andrew D. Basiago, was the team leader of Project Pegasus, is presently a lawyer, writer, scholar, and 21st century visionary. Andy was admitted to the Washington State Bar Association in 1996.
A past member of Mensa, the high IQ society, he holds five degrees, including a BA in History from the University of California at Los Angeles (UCLA) and a Master of Philosophy from the University of Cambridge.
His papers about "urban sustainability" have been published in academic journals in Australia, Britain, and the United States, cited widely, and placed in the environmental policy collections of university libraries.
His paper The Discovery of Life on Mars, published in 2008, was the first work to prove that Mars is an inhabited planet. After publishing this landmark paper, Andy founded the Mars Anomaly Research Society (MARS), which continues to make breathtaking discoveries of life forms and ancient artifacts on Mars.
Of his founding of M.A.R.S., Andy has written:
"I am leading the campaign to achieve political recognition of the fact that Mars is inhabited because we must now enact the international treaty that is required to protect the ecology and civilization of Mars from visitation, exploration, habitation, and colonization by human beings from Earth. We must remember that Mars does not belong to the people of Earth. Mars belongs to the Martians! If we fail to recognize this, then we will fail our first major test of cosmic citizenship. I believe that the people of the Earth are ready for cosmic citizenship and I believe that they are ready for the truth."
Andy is also on a crusade as a lawyer and activist to have the US government 1.) Disclose its time travel capabilities for public use and 2.) Disclose the fact that the planet Mars harbors life and 3.) That the USA has achieved "quantum access" to past and future events.
He believes that lobbying the US government to declassify its secret teleportation capability, so that teleportation can be adopted globally as a new form of civilian transport, is the most important environmental cause of our time.www.projectmars.net
Laura Magdalene Eisenhower
Laura Eisenhower is a brilliant, soul-reaching teacher and healer, recognized by clients, psychics and spiritual societies, as a living global oracle and true archetype of Sophia-Magdalene on Earth. She is also the great-granddaughter of President Eisenhower and since her youth has felt a profoundly strong calling to serve humanity and assist us in breaking free of old paradigms. Continuing both the Eisenhower and Magdalene legacies; she has faced hidden forces and agendas in order to protect humanity from larger global crises. She has done this while retaining her sense of humor and maintaining a deep faith in the human race.
Growing up around political leaders and influential people, Laura easily discerned her own unique nature and when she was approached to leave Earth and settle in a colony on Mars in 2006, she chose to remain on this planet until the secrecy around the Settlements on Mars are revealed and the opportunity is made available for all of humanity to travel there via the Teleportation Stargates that exist now. Ms Eisenhower will not rest until justice and peace on Earth are established as well as our re-connection with the vast Universe, including all races, star systems and dimensions.While residing and traveling independently in over 20 cities in the U.S. and abroad, she developed an excellent knowledge base in frontier health, natural systems, alchemy, metaphysics and ancient history, and also has degrees and certifications in science, wilderness expedition leadership, natural healing and building. She has masterfully woven together the esoteric and alchemical aspects of nature with our ancient roots, the present world, and our future potential. Being talented in music, dance and painting, she is also a highly imaginative creator of sacred symbolic imagery and myths.
For more than 15 years, she has been providing clairvoyant readings and transformative healings for individuals with the assistance of many divination tools and astrology. Focusing on chakra systems, Laura has advised on topics such as soul path, core issues, relationships, physical ailments and creativity. She has also been strategizing to solve the roots of major world problems including epidemics, war, environmental degradation and injustices.
Laura has been on an intense world soul journey of the labyrinth through the many faces of the Goddess. With great passion and courage, she is helping to return sacred union (Christ Sophia), divine wisdom, and the many faces of the Goddess that have been buried and forgotten for thousands of years. Rising from the depths, she restores the tree of life and brings to life the love story of creation. Laura is a wealth of inspiration for everyone, and a reflection to us of our own greatness.
Website: http://cosmicgaia2012.com
Alfred Lambremont Webre, JD, M Ed Alfred Lambremont Webre, JD, M Ed is a futurist and author of "Exopolitics: Politics, Government and Law in the Universe" (available at www.UniverseBooks.com), a book that founded the field of Exopolitics - the science of relations among intelligent civilizations in the multi-verse. Exopolitics includes a case study of human contact with an advanced civilization on Mars. A quote from Mr. Webre's book: "Present day Martian off-planet culture, humanoid in form, lives under the surface of Mars, as well as on Earth underground in the USA and in intentional rural colonies in South America."
Alfred is a journalist, whose Examiner.com articles on multiversal research and cooperation are widely read in North America. Webre is the founder of www.exopolitics.com, a leading exopolitical news website, and the host of www.ExopoliticsTV.com , a magazine format public affairs program on relations among intelligent civilizations in the multi-verse.
Alfred is chairman of the Mars Anomaly Research Society (MARS) www.projectmars.net, which is spearheading the international effort to research, disclose, and educate the public about life on Mars. He has proposed a truth- amnesty process to facilitate the release of the advanced, extraterrestrial-derived new energy technologies that can be used to create a sustainable, peaceful space age society.
Alfred's original research and broadcasting on banning space-based weapons, and environmental war can be seen at www.peaceinspace.org. The Space Preservation Treaty that Alfred co-authored, is designed to transform the war economy into a sustainable, cooperative space exploration economy.
Alfred is a graduate of Yale University and Yale Law School in international law and was a Fulbright Scholar in international economic integration in Uruguay. He has taught economics at Yale University and constitutional law at the University of Texas. Alfred was general counsel to the New York City Environmental Protection Administration, a futurist at Stanford Research Institute (where he directed the proposed 1977 Carter White House extraterrestrial communication study), was a NGO delegate to the United Nations and the UNISPACE conference, and is a judge on the Kuala Lumpur War Crimes Tribunal.
Alfred is currently developing ExoUniversity, an educational entity (www.exouniversity.org) whose goal is to provide web-based interactive continuing education, research, information, and policy regarding Exopolitics, PsiSciences and ExoSciences to individuals and institutions throughout the world.
Exopolitics.com: http://www.exopolitics.com
ExopoliticsTV: http://www.ExopoliticsTV.com
Peaceinspace.org: http://www.peaceinspace.org
Examiner.com: http://www.examiner.com/exopolitics-in-seattle/alfred-webre
Email: Exopolitics@exopolitics.com
Joan Ocean MS
Joan Ocean is internationally known for her work in the field of human-dolphin and whale communication. With a Master of Science degree in Counseling Psychology, Ms Ocean is a psychologist and scientist who creates environments that support people in transition from one lifestyle, one dimension, and one physical form to another.
In 1984, she co-founded with Jean-Luc Bozzoli their organization called: Dolphin Connection International, an organization that explores the advancement of human consciousness, biophysics and spirituality by producing visionary films, books, art forms and Ocean Seminars encouraging friendship and communication between people and ocean-swimming dolphins and whales. Her best selling books are: Dolphin Connection: Interdimensional Ways of Living & Dolphins into the Future, published in ten languages.
In 1978, Joan Ocean first met John C. Lilly, MD, cetacean scientist, and felt very moved by the information he shared regarding his communication research with dolphins and extra-planetary beings. She offered to work with him on his underwater dolphin communication project. Although this volunteer work did not come to pass, Joan felt a connection with Dr. Lilly and his extraterrestrial experiences that led to her eventual relationship with the dolphins. The dolphins began to contact Joan through meditation and expanded consciousness experiences, but being a non-swimmer, she did not yet enter the water to meet them. After meeting Jean-Luc Bozzoli in 1984 and experiencing his encoded, extra-perceptional, hyperdimensional art presentation, Ms Ocean was inspired to learn to swim and began swimming with cetaceans in oceans and rivers in many countries, learning directly from them.
When a California Gray whale came close to the island shores of British Columbia, and looked directly into her eyes, Ms Ocean experienced a communication between herself and the whale that changed her life forever. She understood that cetaceans around the world are trying to communicate with us.
She experiences the gentle communication of the dolphins and whales as sound holography, a language that intensifies physical senses, bypasses rational-cognitive paradigms, resonates directly with our cellular intelligence, and awakens multiple levels of perception and consciousness. Regarded as an authority on the subject of Dolphin Tel-Empathic Communication, she has developed the methodologies of her work, entitled Participatory Research, in which human and cetacean species are equally conducting research with each other. She has dedicated her life to studying cetaceans by respectfully joining them in their natural habitats and becoming their friend and colleague.In 1989 while swimming in Hawaiian waters, she was approached by a pod of more than 100 Spinner dolphins who surrounded her and then continued to swim with her for two miles. Ms. Ocean understood their empathetic and sound communication through feelings, intellect and acoustic imagery. It is a meeting of the minds in all the cellular receptors of our body. Joan has shared her research and knowledge with audiences at the International Whale and Dolphin Conferences and the Prophets conferences. She has facilitated her own gatherings in Hawaii: The Power of Sound Conference, Dolphins and ET Civilization Conference and the Dolphins and Teleportation Symposium over the past ten years. She has been the guest of numerous radio interviews, magazine articles, and on television in such shows as CBS 48 HOURS, Animal Intelligence, and the TBS [Tokyo Broadcasting System] programs on dolphins.
Her most recent communications from the cetaceans include a process using neuro-sonic harmonies and precise tetrahedral resonances for advancing into varying frequencies of refined, loving energies. With further research, Ms Ocean has determined that the cetaceans are able to encode frequencies to resonate with our personal patterns as we swim among them in the ocean, and thereby the information is translatable by us, because they are using our own neurological fibers, non-verbal, non-cognitive, emotional programs as the medium for communication. It is through our feelings and intuition that we are able to access this transmission. The cetaceans are advanced in the science of esoteric, multi-dimensional intelligences which include both the capacity to understand the intentions, motivations, desires and universal blueprint/patterns/sigils of others and the capacity to understand themselves in the same way.
Once we begin to experiment with this, we can access vibrational-frequency-environments that exist beyond Time. Once beyond Time, we can travel anywhere in the local Universe. Joan and the dolphins have been visiting the many futures of planet Earth and using the knowledge obtained there to awaken people to the powerful significance of their own futures and its relationship to their present lives. Implementing the teachings of the dolphins, Joan facilitates Week With Joan Ocean Seminars where people visit future worlds and parallel realities accompanied by the dolphins. The evolution of human beings through gentle enlightenment and natural joy has been the center of Joan Ocean's work for the past 35 years.
Contact: Joan@joanocean.com
Jean-Luc Bozzoli
Jean-Luc was born in France with an innate fascination for the wonders of Nature... He always could see beyond physical Nature, beyond macro and microscopic.
In 1969, he was licensed as a pilot and graduated in France from Nancy and Paris Beaux-Arts, receiving his degrees by building a cymatic show within a geometric dome, designed like a sea urchin. (Cymatic refers to making visible the inherent geometries within sound, music and color)
Bozzoli moved to the South Pacific islands in 1970 for the purpose of studying the correlation between sea life and the structures of parallel realities . While on his boat in 1976 a lone dolphin vocalization inspired new paintings of platonic underwater crystal structures.
After meeting N.Z. sailors Jean-Luc traveled to New Zealand in 1979 where he was literally 'zapped by the Whales" spurring him to make a multimedia slide show with Limbs Dance Company at Auckland University.
Soon after, in Sydney he illustrated "Dreamtime" experiences with a group of Dolphin mystic researchers and writers for Simply Living Magazine. Bozzoli also worked with the filmmakers producing: "Monkey Mia" and "Dolphin Touch".
More travel adventures occurred while living in the early 1980's between Australia and Singapore where he artistically disclosed some of the overlapping worlds of ancient cultures such as Atlantis & Lemuria parallel to the Mahabharata & Ramayana within and beyond East-West cultures : these can be understood as the geometries that are the blueprints of thought, architecture and philosophy.
Meanwhile the question stayed with him: How are the whales and dolphins perceiving the matrix or records of our coexisting life on Earth?
In 1984 after an invitation to gather with many of the world Shamans in Ojai CA, Mr Bozzoli drove through most of California presenting Art Shows with slide-projectors. There he met Joan Ocean in San Francisco.
That Summer, following an " Interspecies Communication" expedition with the Grey and Orca whales in the Canadian wilderness, Jean-Luc and Joan began traveling extensively to share Jean-Luc's visionary and inspirational Art Films to people at theaters, resorts, churches, centers, universities and homes worldwide, making many friends along the way.
Jean-Luc's unique and beautiful art includes the cetaceans, and advanced sacred geometries which transmit the experiences of colorful animated miracles of transformation -- morphing, evolving and touching our hearts with Beauty and ancient ethereal memories. This audio-visual presentation is entitled: Dolphin Connection. It reflects the inner world of the multi-dimensional dolphins. It is their finest communication within us, at the cellular level. In the process it gently moves us beyond our limited linear reality. During this time Joan and Jean-Luc were invited to swim with dolphins in many locations, worldwide, and to experience their higher frequency communications directly as Energy. Our mind see all life forms as linear ideas, while dolphins perceive everything as holograms: 3d, 4d, 5d... expanding energy fields.In 1988 Jean-Luc and Joan settled on the Hawaiian Island of Oahu, inspired by its beauty. There Jean-Luc continued to produce his fascinating extra-dimensional paintings while Joan, inspired by the dolphins, authored the book: Dolphin Connection; Interdimensional Ways of Living.
Soon they relocated to the Big Island of Hawaii where the Spinner dolphins were calling them. Every day they swam for 4-5 hours among the dolphin pods in beautiful Kealakekua Bay (pathway of the gods) learning directly from the highly intelligent dolphin pods. In 1988 they participated to the First International Dolphin and Whale Conference in Australia in 1988 and also the subsequent conferences on the Big Island. These were followed by the convening of other Dolphin Connection Conferences: The Power of Sound in Kona with many exceptional sound-healer speakers and the 2005 Conference featuring world renowned speakers, doctors, remote viewers and whistle blowers regarding ultra ways of communication with dolphins and our friends from distant civilizations in space. When we can learn from Nature ( flowers, birds, dolphins... ) her harmonic language, we will have the consciousness to access to the sacred records of the cosmos, which is the ultimate fulfillment: Oneness.In 1990 living right on the dolphin, home, bay they documented their Human-Dolphin interaction in a video called "Open to the Sea".
In Quebec he illustrated and published a children's book " Boule de Reve " assisting terminally ill children through their transition. A dolphin with wings who flies to another dimension.
In his next geographic triangular journey, between Hawaii, Oregon and Vancouver BC, Jean-Luc practiced his skills with 3D animation. There, he realized his first visionary Odyssey called " Merkabah: Voyage of a Starseed ".
Could imagination be a limited concept of our linear mind and an acceptable artistic disguise... for ultra communication of global codes?.
Do artists, like JL, use their extra sensory abilities with flowing forms, music and colors to resonate and harmonize with the human heart field of intelligence?.
So does the human heart have a field of intelligence? and could it be an expansion of our mind/brain.
Imagine communicating with beings of an advanced Civilization... wouldn't we need to improve our telepathic and holographic sonar imagery... and we could certainly learn now with the whales and dolphins... couldn't we?
Now, living on the tropical island of Hawaii, combining Sustainable garden living with producing art on the computer screen, Jean-Luc has spent the past 7 years creating a new DVD called TRANSMUTEO.
A visionary film that heralds the rebirth of our divine feminine qualities : intuition, creativity, and renewal.
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