"Extraterrestrials exist intrinsically to themselves, and yet, are modified by your perception of them. One might go so far as to say that extraterrestrials are 21st century angels. They are the same phenomena, only viewed differently. You draw forth energy from the collective unconscious. You draw it into containers or forms. You may call them angels or you may call them extraterrestrials. You interpret them according to the expectation implanted in your personal unconscious. In the same way that you create each other, the world, the grass, the stars and the trees, you also create these beings. You draw them forth. You call them forth through a kind of unconscious invocation or convocation. You bring them out of the collective unconscious when you need them. It is important for you to interpret these beings in a positive way, to interpret them as friendly, and to know them as they are. You really do have control here and if you start to interpret them as unfriendly, you will create an enemy for yourself of great danger and great complexity. But rather, know all beings as friends, and friends they will become." "We are talking to you about the synthesis of consciousness, the coming together with us to realize that there is no separation. You could call us "access-codes" in the unconscious as you come into rapport with us. In truth we whales find ourselves merging with you more and with greater ease. You may no longer distinguish between what is your space and the place known to all as the Universal mind, the collective pool. You have wanted to experience the greater Mind. To make this communication possible, we whales draw from your language, your vocabulary and your memories. You are beginning to realize, as we have always, that there is no separate "I". Now you are more open to our beaming directly into your psyche. The archetype of the whales serves as a symbol that allows the mind to go deeply into the universal mind and draw forth information. What you are experiencing is a collection of ideas being expressed and experienced without the presence of a form because a physical Being is not necessary." What you are experiencing is a loosening of limits, a transparency of the ego-mind so that the Higher Mind might shine through. We whales are filters. You are also filters. The clearer we can become, the clearer all can become the more the One Mind comes into being, the One Mind of love and light. So as we become transparent, the phenomenon occurs almost automatically. When the ego-boundaries begin to dissolve, we experience first fusion and then merging, and then co-identity where there is no longer any whales, people, extraterrestrials, individuals, etc. There is only a blending of energies, an interaction of emotions and moods, a process that continues with no processors, no persons to experience, but rather only the experience. There is no end to experience, regardless of what happens to what you call your physical bodies. The process does not end. Perception, thinking and being do not end. In reality, in truth, we are process, endless process." WE know that when you hear the term "whale" you tend to think of a physical organism. Human beings always tend to think in physical terms. You tend to think of the whales out in the ocean. That is only part of who we are. WE are mostly a symbol. As you move into group mind, the whale becomes a picture in your mind. This picture can become a homing device for you. This symbol of the whale becomes a way of moving beyond the collective unconscious to the pure state, the state of illumination and peace. Physical things, living organisms, are sacred. We interact honorably with all things that are sacred. We use the physical world to glorify the one Spirit and to manifest the Spirit of Love. But we are all much more than that. As our minds merge and become one, as they blend, interact, as they are fused together, then identity becomes not a matter of form, skin, flesh and bones, but rather Mind. In that Mind there is a single, vast, telepathic network. WE are part of that, you are part of that. About 20,000 years ago we whales merged with a civilization that began to question the traditional beliefs of duality. They began to question the image of god as known to the primitives. They understood that the only thing they could prove was the existence of their own minds. In proving this to themselves, they realized that all things must come from this premise. Therefore, they knew that the premise of an external god, localized in space and time, and created in the image of man, must be a projection, a theoretical assumption, and only a speculation. The only thing they could prove was that they existed. After proving to themselves, by their perceptions, that they existed, they proved that the world of their perceptions also existed. This was as far as they could go. They needed to go no further because they proved the basic premise - that mind is, and, through the existence of mind, all other things have their relative existence. The world is a form of light created by mind, gathered and coalesced by mind. This is all they needed to know. They became the civilization that believed in the oneness of all things, they started to examine how all things interacted with mind. They examined the creation of the emotional nature. Through this examination, they came to the realization that they could not blame other people for their situations or their thoughts. These were the first people to take full responsibility for their minds and their lives, never blaming, judging or questioning anyone else, but allowing all things to be. BY studying and observing all things with great interest, they came to understand that all things were reflections of the One Mind, and of their own minds. Everywhere they looked, whether at the flowers, the birds, other people or even to good and evil (as they knew and defined those terms) they saw the reflections and distortions of the One. They also realized that people could not overcome their beliefs simply by intellect. To open to the One Mind, they needed to experience the full Love-Nature. Enlightenment comes only after Love. They knew that in time and space, it would take people many centuries to come to this point. They would need to become incarnations of Love. This is what is occurring now on planet Earth. We are all learning about this. This Love is true freedom. People do not always know what they are learning or what is being taught to them, but the seeds are being sown. These things are taught by transmissions of the heart, by the spirit of Love. Illumination occurs when brotherhoods and sisterhoods of human beings and beings of other species, surrender their personal wills and are touched by the Light. They become vessels of Love. They show compassion to the world. We are to love each other. These are the things we whales share." - The Whale Nation ![]() |
This is a Race of ocean living extraterrestrials who came onto the Earth plane through what they call a WINDOW IN TIME. They came into the oceans of planet Earth to assist humanity during these times of great changes and evolution into higher experiences of Consciousness. They are experts in this field. Their role is many tasked. They serve as examples of harmonious living among many oceanic species. They use the spiritual powers of their mind and higher awareness to survive on planet Earth with great joy and appreciation. They own no possessions and yet they have all that they need to live a healthy, active and stimulating life. In addition, they use their individual and group energy to heal and to correct imbalances created on Earth. They assist people emotionally, physically and spiritually to find better ways of living on Earth while helping the Earth to sustain life and remain an integral part of the solar system. This has been proven repeatedly by the testimony of hundreds of thousands of people who have swam in the ocean environment with these highly intelligent and spiritually aware entities. As people learn to respect and love the dolphins, they are able to understand other Extraterrestrial Cultures who are also in contact with us in differing environments. The dolphins are here to help us and they do this through the frequencies of Love, Joy and Harmony. They send these frequencies into the water, using sonar and sound, and change the molecular structure of the water that swirls around us. They create a field of harmony similar to that of chanting monks. In addition, they affect our bodies when we are in the ocean with them, by helping us to elevate our awareness into greater streams of advanced wisdom, stimulating dormant parts of our human brain and awakening memories of our connections to higher consciousness. We learn to access these sleeping aspects of our spiritual selves by accepting loving energy infusions from the dolphins while swimming in the ocean. These newly awakened aspects of ourselves, lead to a quest for justice and cooperation among all life forms. It causes us to promote humanitarian, benevolent, leadership with equality for all. It causes us to love all of life and to protect it with our lives, our wisdom, our voices, our books, our art and our lifestyles. We turn away from secrets and hidden agendas and choose instead integrity, altruism and peace. In fact these humanitarian and spiritual goals are then out-pictured in our daily lives, bringing about constructive changes in the world. We are fortunate to have the extraterrestrial
beings known as dolphins and whales in our waters where we can
convene with them for brainstorming and mutual sustenance. They
invite you to enter the oceans of the world and meet them as
often as you can. - Joan Ocean, M.S. |
![]() Our energy fields can change to suit various dimensional levels - for example, seventh, sixth and fifth. There are some races living on our planet that have a very humanoid form, and have physically solid craft in which they travel. They don't travel the universe as you on Earth understand it; they time warp from one place to another by thought conduction. Elaine asked why they were making their presence known, not only to her but to others around the world. The Sirians replied, We want the people of your world to know who we are and have the opportunity to learn about us. The representative from Arcturus is here on a somewhat different mission than ours; we have agreed on different agendas. He has a much wider spectrum of interest in the flora and fauna of the planet, including your wonderful dolphins. His group is spending more time with matters of a physical nature, concerning themselves with planet Earth and its condition; the land itself and the atmosphere. We from Sirius are more attracted to the soul aspect of the human beings, and we are here to try to help you learn about yourselves. We hope we can teach you about transmuting from one dimension to another. We can point the way, giving you instructions as to what you can do for yourselves in the future to make the way forward easy, but in truth, you must do it alone when the time comes. There have been times when our friends from the Andromedan Galaxy have visited you. Their primary interest is the brainpower and creativity of mankind. They want to study the emotional concepts and feelings that everyone experiences on this planet. The Andromedans say that studying Earth people is like being presented with 60 billion computers all working at different speeds and rates. Their interest is to find how you are expanding emotionally, and to what extent your knowledge is growing. Within this emotional cycle, which you as humans go through from birth to death, the Andromedans include reincarnation and the development of emotional purification, highlighted by the universal need to refine the emotions so none is lost, all are perfected. Sirian: ..About the nature of our bodies, and how they function. Concerning osmosis, I must tell you that not all bodies function in this way. Some races that exist on other levels need nothing but light and energy to sustain their form, and on yet other levels they need not sustain a form at all. Only consciousness is present, and they can if they wish, take on any given shape or form at any time. We however, encompass the seventh through to the fourth dimensions on our planet, and can choose to interact with other beings. Therefore we have multiple choice on which physical shape to take. We tell you that you too, as a race, will eventually be able to take more nourishment from energy rather than your normal food. Beginning with solar rays, and the electro-magnetic fields that surround your planet, and in time, eventually using a form of osmosis. There are people on your planet now who are working towards this end. They eat only fruit, and some take no food at all. We understand that those people who live with only this kind of nourishment are finding it increasingly difficult to sustain themselves normally and still be part of the everyday life on this planet. A dimensional or consciousness energy shift of the body and mind is needed whilst doing this refining of the body. You cannot survive well in the density of third dimensional matter on fresh air alone, as you would put it. It is a very difficult thing to do, but as you make this shift, and lose your density you lighten up in every respect, mentally and physically. You will find that you need less and less food, but you must ensure that you are selective in the quality and quantity of what you eat. You will find that simply by taking a walk by the sea, or being out in the sunshine, will nourish you almost as much as a full meal. This is something that we will teach you. There is much more energy inside, outside and around you than you could possibly see with your third dimensional eyes. We hope that we can teach you shortly how to begin to see things from a fourth dimensional aspect, with a slant to it that comes from a fourth dimensional point of view. Those of you who have developed the ability to see clairvoyantly, and those who are developing their spiritual knowledge to a higher degree are now beginning to see into the edges of the fourth dimension as auras and energy fields. Sight in physical terms is not the only sense that can go forward into the next dimension. You must learn to feel much more than you do now. You can call upon your intuition or inner knowing, and begin to sense much more around you. Your sense of touch can be developed. Noticing energy fields and allowing your sensitivity to them to become much more refined than it is already will start to develop for you a parallel existence. When you begin to develop these higher unused senses, you will be much more aware of the forces of energy around you. These energy fields exist everywhere, and just by walking along a road you can know that you have passed perhaps through a fourth dimensional building. You may enter a green field and will sense that you are walking in fourth dimensional water. It is there but you don't see it. You feel it. These extra senses are not limited to those with clairvoyant vision. They can be felt by anyone and can be completely adapted to encompass your whole being. Every single cell in your body knows when it hits an electrical field or an energy change. We know you have verbal expressions, saying your hair is standing on end, or you feel goose bumps on the skin when you feel a change in the atmosphere. If you learn to feel and extend your senses as you walk along, you will encounter much more than you ever realized was there. Once you realize that something is actually there that has not been perceived before, you can then begin to see it with your mind's eye. This will help to bring it closer to you in a reality form.