In writing
these Sasquatch Journals about my personal experiences, I have
chosen a few of the experiences shared in the groups. There are
many more fascinating experiences that occur in these mystical
woods that are not included in these stories here on the Internet.
Because of the advanced metaphysical nature of these events,
they are reserved for relating in person.
- Joan Ocean
October, 2008
It is our first night in the woods. We are setting up our lawn
chairs when a large white light appears. It is among the trees
to the east (behind Meghan). Located about 15-20 feet high, it
is nearly as big as a soccer ball and moving quickly. I wonder
if we have startled it. I quickly tell everyone to look. Only
Barbara and Meghan see it before it glides away deeper into the
As we sit quietly around the embers of the
fire, there are many things to look at tonight. The moon is full
and high, shafts of moonlight flicker between the trees. A thick
mist surrounds us. Now we see a small bluish-white globe of flickering
light circling us in the forest. This white light being often
comes to greet us.
Sitting around the fire and looking into the
woods, I see two large trees standing alongside each other 12
feet apart. In the dark they look like pillars of a doorway. In
between them appears an entry to another world. I am reminded
of points of contact that open onto our world from other dimensions.
It relates to a fundamental knowledge of the earth's subtle energies.
What the Hopi call Sipapuni -- A place for accessing spaces unimaginable
to most people. The Native American people of the Northwest believe
that Sasquatch can pass from one world to another. They apparently
know how to access the portals beyond what we think of as normal
space-time parameters. This is linked to their understanding of
natural subtle energies in and around the Earth. (And even now,
in the new science, the existence of other dimensions of space
is understood as mathematically and theoretically possible, and
more people continue to explore these realms.)
Although a white mist is all around us, it
is not misty between these tree towers. I am fascinated by them,
looking between them and beyond. I see a clear path leading into
the depths of the forest, on and on. I remain seated, not wanting
to disrupt this lovely vision. Barbara (next to me) sees it too,
and shares her perceptions of it.
At one point Meg gets up to stretch
her legs and take a little walk.
We laugh as the twinkling blue light follows three feet behind,
wherever she goes, unbeknownst to her.
When she returns, we tell her that the light
followed her. She is surprised because she had mind-communicated
a message saying "I am going over here, into the woods for
a minute. Don't do anything to scare me while I am away from everyone
else." She thinks the friendly blue-white light has a coyote-nature
to it, a jokester.
Ken has easily entered an altered dream state, half awake, half
asleep. At one point, when he is sitting quietly, eyes closed,
I want him to see the light so I call to him, softly: " Ken,
Ken look to your right at the moving light." He opens his
eyes but seems far away (barely here) so I don't know if he sees
it circling him or not.
I tell the group what the Medicine Woman said
about lights here in the forest. She called the light a "Dream
Walker" and another time she called it an "Astral Projection."
These Dream Walkers are not transparent like orbs and bubbles.
They are semi-solid luminous balls of light that can be as small
as a golf ball or larger than a balloon. They seem to behave like
Orbs in that they can move in all directions and they sometimes
reveal a trailing tail of light when they are photographed. Many
of the small ones we see have a bluish tint to them.
Since many of us are interested in the phenomena
of Orbs that appear in our photos and sometimes in front of our
eyes, I talk about the white balls of light we are seeing tonight.
In contrast to Orbs, which have been identified as conscious entities,
and are seen everywhere including in the ocean with the dolphins,
these Dream Walkers are different. They may be the Wise Ones coming
to visit in their lightbody form. Although they are bright, they
do not cast a light in front of them as a flashlight would. They
are self-contained, globes of travelling white light.
These are Orbs
As we become more quiet and introspective,
and as the fire burns down, our ability to see in the dark improves.
Now we notice, close to the ground, minute clusters of tiny lights
that appear to zig zag around themselves. I have called them neutrino
lights when they appear during an E.T. contact evening. To me,
these lights appear whenever something is bridging dimensions,
coming through, dematerializing, or observing us while remaining
mostly invisible.
It's an exciting moment when people in our
group suddenly become aware of these tiny clusters. Usually from
that moment on, they see them regularly in places like this where
energy fluctuations occur. As we watch these lights tonight, moving
around between the ground and a space up to four feet high, Ann
shares her perception of them as sparkling grid lights that are
creating pathways and even rearranging patterns of light within
us and our environment.
Some of the other communications the group
shares are: a growling voice or conversation of the Sasquatch
heard in the woods; a hovering plasma scout ship above us, an
energy field, nearby, a soft undulating frequency like a vibratory
language around us, the feeling of being in another dimension,
outside of third dimension, beyond limits of time and space as
we know them.
We begin to hear repeated Sasqua sounds in
the distance. They are the high (haunted-house type wails that
can make chills down your back.) We hear crackling of twigs and
footsteps from all sides, around us. Only one dog is barking,
far away. The coyotes give a few howls and then are quiet. M,
B and I are alert and silently pointing our finger to show the
location of the sounds we hear. Wordlessly, we nod in agreement.
We sit quietly, telepathically communicating, to our Sasquatch
friends who are close by.
Tonight the moon is full and the woods are
magical, streaming with moonbeams. Later we share our experiences
of being taken Dream Walking with the Sasquatch family. As usual
people have seen much more than I realize and as group members
share their experiences it reminds the rest of us about these
same occurrences (sounds, lights, movement, telepathic messages,
generator sounds beneath the earth, etc.) We talk about geometrodynamic
energy as taught me by the Ancient Ones and also about other civilizations
(Karakawa of Texas, Anasazi, Olmecs, Atlanteans, etc) who had
a fundamental knowledge of the earth's subtle energies (such as
the thermal winds that we experience only at the Sasquatch location,
as they whirl around us each night.)
We examine how they affect the very structure
of space and time, opening us to unusual phenomena in the form
of mysterious lights, humming sounds from earth, star-like objects
moving through the sky, fireballs, out-of-place animals coming
from nearby dimensions, total silence around us (not even insects
or crickets), profound visions, new orientations, magnetic anomalies
that interact with our brain waves, opening our senses and creating
a different relationship to gravity. Shape-shifting is a natural
result. All of these fascinating energy phenomenons reveal to
us, the familiar world of our friends, the Wise Ones.
4:45 in the morning - I am suddenly awakened.
I lay motionless in bed, listening. What is it that woke me up?
Minutes pass, and then I hear the piercing sounds of a Sasquatch.
He/she begins with a low moan-growl and escalates to loud hooting
sounds. I say aloud to Ken and J-L in the cabin lofts, "It's
the Sasquatch!" Getting up, I search in the dark for my lap
blanket and quickly wrap it around my shoulders. I can hear Ken
stirring, his rubber air mattress squeaking.
I sit outside on the porch bench. Silence.
(My presence outside is being evaluated? Noted?) Then the sounds
begin again. So close and loud they nearly knock me off the bench!
They are just beyond my ability to see in the dark, directly in
front of me, 25-30 feet. I am breathless and immersed in happiness.
The sounds continue. There are growls and low Om sounds, followed
by beautiful who-who-who-whoooo sounds. All of my mind, my bones
and my skin are vibrating. Far to my left I hear another Wise
One responding and mimicking the sounds. There are relaying calls
in the distance - perhaps from across the river.
This is a long sequel. I am outside listening
for 12 minutes. The sounds directly in front of me make me want
to walk over and see who is there. Having bare feet stops me;
along with a resistance to interfering with something so beautiful,
that I don't want it to stop. I prefer to listen and try to understand
their communication to me. So I sit and receive. Eventually the
Sasquatch turn and begin to walk to my left. As they turn their
face away, their sounds are a little less strong. They are leaving,
their sporadic sounds going away with them. Then the sounds end.
Silence. After a while, starting to feel cold, I go back inside
the cabin, knowing they have left and filled with joy for that
very close and personal contact.

Ken is very happy. He heard it all from inside
the cabin. Feeling it was a very unique and powerful experience,
he is ecstatic
. repeating their multiple range of sounds,
commenting on the intensity, the loudness being purposely directed
right to us.
Meanwhile, Jean-Luc slept through it all.
Day 3 -
It is one of those strangely quiet nights.
Too quiet. What is really happening?
dogs barking, no crickets, no acorns falling from trees, no crackling
underfoot of small animals raccoons, fox, armadillos, no airplanes
going over, no trucks on distant road, no crows - absolute eerie
silence except for gusting winds high above that can be heard
approaching us from far away, louder and louder. Then they are
upon us, but we feel no wind at all. The tree tops barely wave
in the breeze and yet the sound is of 75 mph winds! We remain
quiet, listening, fascinated and dozing off from time to time.
I mention this because other Sasquatch researchers have experienced
this phenomena of an eerie and unnatural silence preceding the
arrival (or awareness) of Sasquatch.
All is quiet except the fast-moving wind in
the tree-tops, no dogs, no cicadas (too cold for them tonight).
We hear the shuffling of little unseen animals around us. The
deer snort loudly 6 times. Are they seeing Sasquatch? The white-tail
deer snort is a warning "to be alert" to all the deer.
Then, if danger is perceived, the buck will stamp a hoof loudly
and they all run. We hear no stamp.
I ask for a sign or sounds from our friends
that they are here. Silence ensues. We know they are there, watching.
We feel them so strongly. Then we hear a distant sound in the
woods to the north. It is high among the trees. It sounds like
mechanical gibberish. No one speaks, trying to decipher it. I
have never heard anything like it. It is coming towards us. Little
by little the sound becomes louder and louder. Soon it is right
over us. Then it curves to our left toward the dirt road. It is
above the road now and making this high-pitched garbled sound
non-stop. It passes behind our van as our ears follow its noisy
progress. It does not stop and we cannot see anything. It continues
past Susan's property now and curves back into the distant woods.
The sound diminishing as it goes. Soon all is silent again.
None of us speak. I am waiting to see if it
will return, at the same time I am searching my mind for an explanation
of what animal, bird or Sasquatch that sounds that way. Nothing.
It sounded like a wind-up twirly bird or human voices at super
high mechanical speeds on a recording machine. It was loud and
at the tree top level, but we heard no sounds of wings from a
flying creature. Was it a voice projection of the Sasquatch kindly
responding to my request for a sign or sound?
Later, I record an imitation of it on my stereo.
Mimini Mimini - Mimini, Mimini - Mimini, Mimini .. on and on.
The group laughs when I play it back to them. It's similar to
the sounds we heard and it is funny to hear me making metallic
gibberish. What was it?
I always write about experiences like this
in case anyone reading my report has had a similar contact such
as this. Please let me know if you have.
Star Nation Contact

Now it is October 14th and many people around
the world are meditating tonight as a global commitment to contact
the Star Nation people. We have decided to make contact here in
the forest as well, and plan to Remote View the interior of the
ship. We are all interested in participating. This is an ideal
location -- remote, in a natural setting with a clear view of
the sky and a place where ET ships are often seen. We go to a
ridge that has great, expansive views of the mountain range and
sky; overlooking the tops of all the trees below. It is a place
I visited with Mike in 2005. Back then, Mike and I looked down
and saw a tall, adult Sasquatch walking in the woods below us.
The Sasquatch looked up directly at us, made eye contact and continued
casually strolling through the woods until out of sight. It was
a wonderful and meaningful experience.
The moon is full tonight. As we get out of
the van we look up. What a beautiful sight. The moon is suddenly
enclosed in a Moon-Bow with colors of red, gold, blue and pink.
We are happy to see a huge white cloud ship above us, hovering
in the sky. We sit on the precipice overlooking the mountain tops,
sitting at the edge of the earth with a view of the entire universe.
We are on the tallest mountain, looking east. There is a huge
Cloudship above us.
Closing our eyes, we move into a frequency
of Love, Harmony and Peace. We then do a process that brings us
onto this many-miles long Galactic Federation Ship. The Ancient
Ones accompany us. I recount aloud what we are experiencing: Many
Star Nation representatives in different types of clothing and
skin including Sasquatch. To my surprise I see rows of hundreds
of Earth People present in this cavernous, high ceiling, domed
council room. I am told, these are all the people who tuned in
to the ship on October 14th
.those who responded to the "Call."
Our group interacts with everyone; recognizing friends. I see
Trish and Doug and other Kona friends. (When I visit with them
next month in November they tell me they were indeed meditating
and contacting the ship that night.) Now on the ship we are listening
to the time-line plan of the Galactic Council leaders regarding
Earth. We feel a warm frequency of Love in the room. We then take
time to each understand our own role on Earth as Star People in
a world that is just beginning to accept the truth of other nations
on other planets.
At the end of this meeting, I open my eyes
to see the gigantic, oval cloudship moving upward, revealing some
stars beneath the ship. Immediately, chills run up and down my
spine. There it is, clearly in the black sky, the constellation
we call Orion. No other stars in the sky but these!
It appears exactly as the Ancient One, Pushoma,
had drawn it for me when he left
me a note in 2007. This is extremely meaningful to me. I realize
this drawing of the Orion constellation by Pushoma foretold a
time when we will meet with the Star People aboard their craft. The time of contact has arrived.
Just as we leave, Sirius comes out of the cloudship
above the Belt, shining brightly.
Each of us this week experience some similar
and some private encounters while remote viewing the large ship
in the sky together.
Then in the early hours of the morning, we
depart for our cabins. There we sit outside on the porch and continue
telepathic communication with the Sasquatch, enjoying their tonal
vibrational languages and their variety of vocalizations. None
of us want to leave... |