November 20 - 26 ~~ Dolphins and Thanksgiving - EMAIL US TO REGISTER.
December 4 - 10 ~~ Gathering of Dolphins & Angelics - EMAIL US TO REGISTER.
The SEMINARS of 2012
2011 Seminars: The Gatherings
In the year 2011, we welcome you to the lush tropical abundance of Hawaii's Big Island, where we have been led to live peacefully in times of remarkable, extraordinary changes. Come enjoy the beauty of nature, sun and stars at Sky Island Ranch, our remote mountain home, where we host week-long excursions into higher consciousness.
This is a Gathering for people who would like to move ahead to the next phase of their spiritual work and understanding. There are positive changes of great magnitude, unfolding now. We will share many inspiring messages with you. This new and life-changing information will bring you tremendous joy along with physical and spiritual gifts of fulfillment as we experience the new timeline on our planet.
Here at Kealakekua ("Pathway of the gods") we honor the significance of that Hawaiian code name. Entering the deepest places of spiritual wisdom, we open communication with dolphins, whales, star friends, animals, nature spirits, butterflies, birds and multi-dimensional, 5th realm, finer-frequency beings of Light who respond to our loving presence. They are here. You can quietly enjoy their company.THE DOLPHINS The dolphins are always our kind friends, reminding us of what is important in life. As we float among them, we observe their peaceful and meaning-full behaviors in the clear royal blue waters. In their presence, we absorb powerful new thoughtforms, which imprint our consciousness with inspiration, love, appreciation, serenity and intelligence. These qualities remain a part of us, to guide us in our lives. We understand the value of our diverse experiences on Earth and our heartfelt friendship with the cetaceans of the world.
They swim alongside us looking deeply into our eyes and with wisdom change us, awaken us and remind us of our role to assist humanity and the oceans of the world.
With this wisdom, the meaning of our life comes into perspective
and our hearts are filled with the joy of Knowing
why we are here on Earth in this year 2010-2011.The dolphins and whales are supporting us with their messages and their holosonic tones. Just as the songs of the birds in the Spring nurture the grass to grow and the flowers to bloom, so it is that the cetaceans send us their sounds to communicate, heal and merge with our dreams and intentions; awakening us. We will enjoy their company in the warm ocean waters where the soundwaves move through the salt water easily, into our light bodies, inspiring us and reviving memories of our wonderful multi-dimensional lives. This ability of the cetaceans to communicate holographically to us and transmit higher consciousness will assist us in expressing our love as we teach and share with other people in our extended communities.
ADVANCED BEINGS OF WISDOM In the protection of this sacred space, surrounded by the mighty Ohia trees, we convene to support each other. This is the ideal setting for laughter and relaxation as we swim, sun and sit under the stars around our fire circle in the cool, mountain air, focusing upon the beauty of the new world we are creating.
In telepathic contact with loving extraterrestrial races, we are inspired by the wisdom that is presented on all levels in our waking, meditative and dream states. There are many aspects to consider as we acknowledge the personal and global humanitarian paths that reveal themselves to us. The wisdom of the land and of the special entities of Light, who are drawn here by our love, will enhance our gentleness, awareness, thoughtfulness, camaraderie and play, experiencing freedom of mind and body .. healthy, strong and enlivened. Come swim in the waves of Light with us.
The friends of the dolphins and whales, the civilizations of Star People, extraterrestrials, celestials and multi-dimensionals are asking to meet with you to review the upcoming months and years, looking into our future. When we gather here in the gentle natural environment of Hawaii, we are open to communicate with them. Therefore they arrive to meet with us. We know that many of these other civilizations look like us and can live among us on Earth, we also know that some cannot breathe the air here, nor be here in the physical yet. They will come when the higher frequency on Earth can accommodate them and when they are invited.
These more advanced civilizations are comfortable as multi-dimensional beings, which means they can appear and disappear, they can live on their organic aerial homes in a rarified atmosphere and they can visit us, re-creating a refined environment around us. They are not limited to one location, one body, one language, one 'home', etc. They can come and go as they choose. And they do.
Here at the Ranch we live in contact with many ultra-dimensional beings and visiting Star people. They are the ones who suggested we move from Dolphin House at the ocean's edge, up the mountain to this location surrounded by Nature, for deepening our heart connection to mother Earth and father Sky. These benevolent celestials will not intervene in our planetary affairs unless we invite them to come, in partnership with us. These reunions are very joyful. They commune with us, lending their advanced spiritual solutions for enhancing our mutual love of Gaia.
Like the dolphins, we swim with them in the higher frequencies created in deepening meditations, the beauty of nature, time travel, inspiring messages, visionary noetic artforms, memories of our previous and parallel lives, contact with other Light people who attend The Gathering, accessing natural earth portals and using our powerful energy fields to instill love and harmony.
Each of us brings a part of the Mystical wisdom that will unfold and become part of our experiences at The Gathering. This is the Council of all Beings, coming together to teach and learn. Surrounded by views of the ocean, we allow the softness and sweet-scented blossoms to amplify our
consciousness. Everything is pristine and sparkling with life.
We will share a time of laughter, harmony, strength, wisdom, health, deep knowing, remembrance, upliftment and friendship, surrounded by the animals that live here who add their gentle wisdom to our mountain home.
We look forward to Being with you.
Because we hope to welcome people from all walks of life,
we have set the cost for this seminar as low as possible.
Seven Days ~~ US $1294INCLUDED: Accommodations (shared occupancy) in our home, Sky Island Ranch, or if you prefer a private room and bath, we will accommodate you in a nearby local hotel; 4 excursions on boats to meet and swim with the dolphins; days on the beaches to sun and swim; outdoor fire circles under the stars; communication with many, loving ultra-terrestrial Beings; daily sessions with Joan and visionary artist, Jean-Luc; messages of empowerment, wisdom and FUN! in a healing environment.
Not Included: Transportation and meals.
A Deposit of $400 is required to guarantee your space.
The Balance is due one month before the start-date of The Gatherings you are attending.
Thank you!With your permission, if you do not want to pay for a private rental car
we will exchange emails among registered guests so that car expenses can be shared._______________________________________________________________________________
Nearby local hotel
Manago Inn, Captain CookIf you are planning to arrive early or stay after the seminar, here is a suggested list of accommodations in the South Kona area
near Sky Island Ranch (hotel prices subject to change).____________________________________
Sky Island Ranch
ADDITIONAL IMAGE GALLERIES Manago Hotel - Captain Cook Jean-Luc Bozzoli Art Images Hawaiian Dolphin and Whale Photos Sky Island Ranch Pictures ______________________________________ The sage can act without effort and teach without words.
Nurturing things without possessing them,
The sage works, but not for rewards;
She/he competes, but not for results.from the Wisdom of the Tao by Dr. Wayne W. Dyer
November 20 - 26 ~~ Dolphins and Thanksgiving - EMAIL US TO REGISTER.
December 4 - 10 ~~ Gathering of Dolphins & Angelics - EMAIL US TO REGISTER.
Hawaiian Seminars take place on the Kailua-Kona coast, Big Island, Hawaii.
Make your flight reservations to Kona-Keahole International Airport (KOA).
All seminars require a deposit and a signed liability waiver to reserve your space.
Jean-Luc Bozzoli and Joan Ocean In 1984, Joan Ocean and Jean-Luc Bozzoli met in Belmont, California.
They traveled extensively to share Jean-Luc's visionary and inspirational Art Films to people at resorts, churches, centers, universities and homes world wide, making many friends along the way.Jean-Luc's unique and beautiful art includes the cetaceans, and advanced sacred geometries which transmit the experiences of colorful animated miracles of transformation -- morphing, evolving and touching our hearts with Beauty and ancient ethereal memories. This audio-visual presentation is entitled: Dolphin Connection. It reflects the inner world of the multi-dimensional dolphins. It is their finest communication within us, at the cellular level. In the process it gently moves us beyond our limited linear reality.
In 1988 Jean-Luc and Joan settled on the Hawaiian Island of Oahu, inspired by its beauty. There Jean-Luc continued to produce his fascinating extra-dimensional paintings while Joan, inspired by the dolphins, authored the book: Dolphin Connection; Interdimensional Ways of Living.
Soon they relocated to the Big Island of Hawaii where the Spinner dolphins were calling them. Every day they swam for many hours among the dolphin pods in beautiful Kealakekua Bay (pathway of the gods) learning directly from the dolphin pods. It was a time of deep understanding, friendship and joy.
With the new computers entering the marketplace, Jean-Luc was able to use their advanced technology to design dolphin-coded images, shapes, colors, sounds and textures that could appear in living, moving symbols on the screen producing new films. At this same time, Joan wrote her second book, inspired by dolphin transmissions: Dolphins Into the Future.
Through word-of-mouth the books were read and translated in other countries, and the films were widely distributed. Soon the desire to meet the dolphins in their natural habitat, the oceans, was stimulated among people internationally and an awakening occurred that raised and expanded human consciousness. The dolphins were sharing their wisdom and inviting us into the ocean. In response many aware souls came forward to assist the dolphins and whales.
The love of Cetaceans and the interactions in the water with the consciousness of our oceans helped save and protect Earth's waters - politically, environmentally and socially.
Today Jean-Luc Bozzoli and Joan Ocean live at Sky Island Ranch, Kealakekua, Big Island of Hawaii, where they continue to respectfully enjoy the company and inspiration of these very high beings of unconditional love: the dolphins and whales. They can be reached through their websites:
www.joanocean.comThrough the continued wisdom of the cetaceans, Joan and Jean-Luc also enjoy contact with other advanced beings of higher consciousness, including the Arcturians and dolphin ancestors from their star of origin, Sirius B.
Humpback Whales of the South Pacific
with Joan Ocean in Tahiti, French PolynesiaSEE THE ALBUMS AND JOURNALS FROM THIS TRIP:
Please enjoy!
I T I N E R A R Y:
Our gentle close encounters in the Pacific with the magnificent whales have been the best days of our lives. Now we are dreaming to be again with the whales of Antarctica on the beautiful Polynesian island of Rurutu.
We will meet them in mid-September, 2011. If you think you are interested in being one of the ten people who will accompany us, please contact.
There are so many special and mystical experiences that we have with the whales in the shallow waters and also on land where the nature spirits and the worlds of multi-dimensional realities are near at hand. Our hearts are filled with gratitude as we remember last year when the Ancient Ones of the forest made their presence known to us, as we all sat together under the graceful acacia trees on the beach.
In the ocean, close to shore we float and observe the mother whales taking care of their little ones. We stay together, being careful not to surround them, but staying on one side of the female’s long pectoral fins, the baby is nursing, the cleaner fish are swimming in the excess particles of the rich thick milk, the beauty of the coral reef is dancing in the sunlight below, the sounds of lapping waves sooth us with the distant sounds of whale song… Relaxed, feeling the bliss of heart to heart contact, returning the gaze of the mother whale watching us in complete serenity and trust. We are inspired and elated by this profound communication between the advanced Humpback whales and the human Light-swimmers of Earth.
Accommodations (double occupancy) in beautiful Tahitian Fares (spacious bungalows) on the beach, boat trips, whale swims, powerful gatherings, dinners and continental breakfasts.... And a chance to get away from the world you know and enter another one of harmony and beauty.
Let us know if you are interested to come, and this wonderful adventure will unfold.Cost: $2495.00
... It was blissful to be with the whales!
Our perceptions are heightened by such encounters, and amplified by our group's togetherness in this pure and remote place in Nature. This connection releases our core potentials, where we can receive and send deep and joyful energy, as if we are opening star-gates.
Every day we had gentle quiet time, floating with a mother whale and her curious baby. Our groups were sensitive, staying together as a unit so we did not spook the whales and then the whales stayed. And on the last 2 days we had a Singer, twenty feet under water, tail up, head down, hours of singing. Was it calling for a mate? or playing/working with the Energy Matrix of the Earth...
Within a meditative enchanting experience, without thinking, we can "feel/experience/grasp/behold/extra-sense/observe" so much more.
Songs and Feelings, mesmerizing moments may be our astral vessels, our platforms of expansion ( the doors of our perceptions )...Dolphins and Whales have a complex brain that functions differently than human linear thinking. They are participating in and at one with the vast holographic web of Energy that IS That is all of Earth and beyond.The whales were interacting with the Infinite Supreme Intelligence, the organic network of the Universe. Even though it is beyond our human imagination our hearts awaken to sustain our imagination of being part of an endless tapestry with them.
Maururu, Mahalo and Much Love
Jean-Luc & Joan
Rurutu Island, South of Tahiti
In September, we will travel to the French Polynesian Island of RURUTU for two weeks, twenty degrees south of the Equator.
To get there you fly to Tahiti and then a 1 1/2 hour flight south to the remote island of Rurutu, where the Humpbacks spend their winters birthing and mating in the crystal clear, coastal waters. We will join them as they float, dream and sing, sharing their profound peace and wisdom with us.
Cost: $2495 per person for 7 days/ 6 nights - Double OccupancyWhat's Included and Not Included:
Our workshop begins with your arrival on Saturday.
- One night at Sofitel Resort in Papeete, Tahiti on Saturday.
- 5 nights at Rurutu Lodge on Rurutu Island
- 4 boat trips to be with the Humpback Whales
- Daily Continental Breakfasts and Dinners at Rurutu Lodge
- Transportation by van to the Rurutu Lodge and around the island of Rurutu
- Classes, Meditations, and discussions with Joan Ocean MSc.
- Walking tour of the Coral Caves and remote beaches.
- If you register for both weeks, you will be able to stay on Rurutu Island Friday and Saturday night for a flat fee of US $100. This includes accommodations, continental breakfast and dinner from Friday evening to Sunday morning.
- Airfare to and from Tahiti
- Transportation to and from the Faa'a Airport in Tahiti. Taxis are available.
- Inter-Island Airfare to and from Rurutu Island (Approximately US$545. Please see travel info for important dates, travel times, and flight numbers for this once a week flight.) Make your reservation early.
- Lunches and/or any other snacks and alcoholic beverages at Rurutu Lodge
- Hotel accommodations reserved before and after our Seminar.
- Any extra boat trips or activities on Rurutu.
A $500 deposit is required to reserve your space.
This deposit is non-refundable and can be paid with a Visa, MasterCard or a U.S. check.
* The Second payment of $1000.00 is due on May 1st, 2011
* The Third and final payment of $995.00 is due on July 6th, 2011
There are many Humpbacks here as well as other whales. We will be living in a land based Resort while visiting the whales each day by boat. Here are some pictures of the Whales. As you can see, they are a little different than the northern Atlantic/Caribbean Humpacks. These Southern whales do not have white coloring on the top side of their pectoral fins, only on their underside. When they roll over and exhibit playful behaviors, we can see their white tummies shining in the clear blue water, their pec fins like wings, waving and welcoming us.
Joan Ocean Program
Swim with the Humpback Whales of French Polynesia
Detailed Travel Information
Important things to do immediately:
1. Check that you have the correct Travel Documents (Valid Passport)
2. Reserve your space -- only a few spots left !!!
3. Book your flights.
4. Arrange for Cancellation/Travel Insurance (optional)
WEEK ONE: Saturday September 10 - Arrival into Papeete, Tahiti
WEEK TWO: Saturday September 17 - Arrival into Papeete, Tahiti
- - Make your flight arrangements to arrive in Papeete Airport, Tahiti on Saturday, September 10th ( or 17th - depending on the week you attend). Flights are limited so please reserve your seat as soon as possible.
- - Saturday night the group will stay together at Sofitel Tahiti Resort.... Address:
BP 60008 Tahiti 98702 Faa'a, French Polynesia
(+689)866600 - (+689)438470.
They do not have a shuttle. Taxis are the best transportation to our hotel, and are available right outside the airport. Many people in our group will arrive late at night. Your room at the Sofitel Resort will be ready for you.The Sofitel Tahiti Resort on Saturday night is included in your seminar fee. If you prefer to arrive a day or two earlier, the extra days will be at your own expense. (We recommend it, if possible.) Contact the hotel in Tahiti directly, for extra nights before or after our seminar. To receive our group rate, contact the reservations manager: Lisa Daviet
Phone 689-86-66-05 or Fax. 689-43-99-00Please let her know you are with the Joan Ocean Group.
*** V e r y . I m p o r t a n t ***
- We will be flying on Sunday morning from Papeete to Rurutu Island on Air Tahiti flight # 933. (This flight cost is not included in the Seminar price)
- This is the only flight to Rurutu for attending our Seminar.
- Please be sure to make your flight reservations on Flight #933,
Air Tahiti at 12:50 PM..... with arrival on Rurutu at 3:40 PM.**** To assist you with this, we are working with Renee Mahler at Business and Leisure Holidays for these tickets. Please call her and let her know you are with the Joan Ocean group. She can reserve your ticket for this flight (as well as your return).
She can be contacted in Hawaii: 808-952-5824 or 808-949-8100 ext 225
Email: or fax 808-941-5177.
Please Note - The flights listed here are the ONLY flights available to take for our group! So please make arrangements as soon as possible.
When we arrive on Rurutu Island we will be greeted by the Rurutu Lodge Staff. The open-air, panel vans (Le Truck) take us to our Bungalows.
Friday - September 16, 2011:
Please Reserve your return ticket for Flight #936 on Air Tahiti from Rurutu to Papeete. (Renee, our travel agent will assist you with this arrangement). Departs, 4:45PM for a 6:15PM arrival time. Allow ample time in your flight arrangements for your connections to the mainland, etc. We recommend not to cut it too closely as these island flights can sometimes run a little bit behind.
and, September 23, 2011:Please Reserve your return ticket for Flight #929 on Air Tahiti from Rurutu to Papeete. (Renee, our travel agent will assist you with this arrangement).
We will be leaving Rurutu at 3:40PM and scheduled to return to the main island of Tahiti by 5:10PM. Again, allow ample time in your flight arrangements for your connections to the mainland, etc.
NOTE: Our Seminar ends on Friday. Please contact a hotel of your choice on the main island of Tahiti, for a reservation IN ADVANCE if you plan to stay overnight on Friday, after our Seminar. (not included in the seminar price.) Tahiti is a popular tourist destination and reservations are a must.
Summary of Important Travel Information
WEEK ONE : The group will fly TOGETHER to Rurutu Island on Air Tahiti Flight # 933,
Sept.10th and return together on Flight # 936, Sept. 16th.
WEEK TWO : The group will fly TOGETHER to Rurutu Island on Air Tahiti Flight # 933,
Sept.17th and return together on Flight # 929, Sept. 23rd.
* IF you work with Renee to arrange your flights please tell her that you are with the Joan Ocean group: Week September 10-16, or Sept. 17-23.
* We highly recommend that you work with Renee on your Flights to ensure that all reservations are correct.
* Please note that roundtrip airfare to Papeete, Tahiti and to Rurutu Island is NOT included in the seminar tuition and you will have to book these special island flights on your own, or preferably through a travel agent to ensure the correct flights. The airfare for the interisland roundtrip flight between Papeete, Tahiti and Rurutu Island is approximately US$545 roundtrip. Price is not guaranteed until booked.
Thank you. We look forward to meeting you in beautiful Tahiti.
Rurutu is a beautiful island, 18 miles in circumference; rising to a height of 1280ft the island drops dramatically into the sea on all sides and is peppered with caves that have been eroded by water over the millennia, creating wonderful formations of stalactites and stalagmites.
These caves are steeped in legends like those of Hina, an ogress, who lived in a cave near Mt Manureva and Moko, a giant lizard. The island's mild climate means that a huge range of fruits and vegetables grow; the coastal area offers rich soil and allows 2 crops of delicious potatoes a year, giant carrots, turnips and greens. Every garden is planted with papayas, limes, mangoes, grapefruit and the ubiquitous banana palm. Exotic flowers adorn the roadside. The mountainous interior even has alpine forest!
We look forward to swimming with you in the crystal clear coastal waters of these South Pacific Islands.
To save a space, please call us.
With love,
Joan & Jean-Luc too! -- (He loves these French Islands)
©Photos by Lisa Denning. All Rights Reserved. CANCELLATION POLICies THE ARE NO REFUNDS FOR LATE ARRIVALS OR EARLY DEPARTURES 1.) If you cancel Tahiti Whale trips: Our payments to foreign countries are paid well in advance of the trips and so these fees are non-refundable. However in the case of cancellation of the Tahiti trips, if you find someone to fill your space, then only $100. of the balance of payment in non-refundable. Thank you for understanding. Some people choose to purchase Trip Cancellation/Interruption Insurance. 2.) If You Cancel Hawaiian or Mainland Trips: In the event of a cancellation, more than 30 days prior to the seminar start date, you will receive a full refund minus a $100.00 cancellation fee.
In the event of a cancellation less than 30 days, but more than 7 days prior to the seminar start date, you will receive a full refund minus a $200.00 cancellation fee.
In the event of a cancellation less than 7 days prior to the seminar start date, you will receive a full refund minus a $400.00 cancellation fee. This is due to the unlikely possibility of filling your guaranteed space on such short notice.