Here in Hawaii, we spend many
hours playing with the dolphins. The dolphins have told me that
while we are involved in playful activities, they are able to
send thoughtballs of information to us.
These are large spheres of wisdom, energetic holograms which they
send to us via globes or bubbles. They become part of our pattern,
enter our awareness and unfold into our consciousness in the following
days and weeks. While we are focusing on the dolphins and their
interactions with us, we are not thinking of work or phones or
email messages or upcoming events or our love life and so forth!
Our minds are blank and open to receive. We are physically active,
which seems to help the transmissions to enter the cells of our
bodies as acoustic images, bubble art, vibrational shifts, DNA
activation and geometric soundings. The universe can be explained
through mathematics, geometry and varying vibratory oscillations.
The dolphins model these universal energy systems in their playful
interaction with their environment.
The dolphins realized that I could most easily receive their transmissions when I was occupied physically and mentally by repetitive behaviors that required my undivided attention. And so their ocean games with me began. For example, here is a writing from my journal of October 4, 1990:
A group of seven dolphins are swimming with Jo Ann and me. Moving along the surface, I see the sand below with its multiple patterns and swirls and notice the occasional goat fish scavenging on the bottom. The shadowy forms of the dolphins look like sea spirits as I watch them approach through the floating particles of white plankton in the water. They have heard me singing, and they come over to be with us.
The water is murky this morning, visibility poor, and so I am straining my eyes to see the markings on the two nearest dolphins, to identify who they are. They weave closer and closer to us, and I sense they are happy we are here. Their flukes are barely moving as they slow themselves to our pace. Looking for identifying scars on their bodies, I notice something on the fluke of the dolphin directly in front of me. It appears to be a large discoloration. What is it? I am looking with focused concentration, kicking faster to get closer to the dolphin. Finally I can make out the shape and I see that the aberration on his tail is actually a leaf!
Slowly the dolphin moves his fluke up and down at an angle, allowing me to easily view the golden leaf draped over the edge. I realize that he is deliberately swimming in front of me to show me this leaf.
At that moment he slows down and I reach out. It feels as though we're moving in slow motion. His fluke is now just inches from my outstretched hand. He half turns to look at me with one eye, sees that I am ready, and flicks the leaf directly in front of my face with great precision. A slight wave generated by his tail moves the leaf as I reach out for it and, miscalculating its position, I miss it. I reach out again. It begins to float downward.
The dolphin, meanwhile has turned in front of me and is watching. As I miss the leaf again, he circles me on the surface and I see that he is my good friend Stitches. I then lunge down to retrieve the sinking leaf and finally catch it. He circles again. I try to throw the leaf back to him, but under water you cannot really throw a leaf, and so it remains right in front of me. I move forward to try to wrap it around my swim fin in the way that Stitches had it around his fluke. He circles again very close, watching my every move. The leaf stays flattened against my fin.
Stitches gives one last smile and slowly cruises into the blue.
I feel wonderful to have received this special gift, along with Stitches' exclusive attention. I keep the leaf, and when I return home I trace the shape of it in my research journal to have a permanent memory of Stitches and this wonderful day.
This was the beginning of many exuberant leaf-game encounters between the dolphins and the human pods. It is not unusual to see a dozen leaves decorating the bodies of the dolphins and swimmers. It is a game we play together for many hours.
I often dive deeply with the leaf, releasing it below. The dolphins follow me down and one picks it up with his rostrum, flicks it to his dorsal fin and then to his fluke. Swimming with it for a while on the surface, he soon releases it to me again. Sometimes he even spirals out of the water with the leaf flattened securely against his fin or beak. On days after stormy nights we see many dolphins swimming by with leaves decorating their pectoral and dorsal fins. They never take the leaves away from each other, but when a leaf floats free, a number of dolphins will turn toward it and race to catch it before anyone else does, treating these tattered leaves as if they are a valuable commodity. They are also teaching the human-dolphin leaf game to their babies, and we all play together.
In my travels to many countries, I have now found dolphins playing the leaf game in many different bodies of water. It seems they have learned it morphogenically [the 'Hundredth Monkey' effect].
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