Sasquatch April 2008
- Week Two

APRIL 20 - 26, 2008
Excerpt from one night with
the Wise Ones
It is our last night in the forest to
meet our Sasquatch friends.
Sitting around the fire, people are restless, not settling down
for a while. The night is cold, since we allow the fire to burn
down to embers for better night vision. We dress in more layers:
hats, gloves, scarves, zippering up as we prepare for hours outside.
I speak aloud, an Invocation, requesting
their presence, confirming our love and trust in them. The group
nods in agreement.
Soon after 11:00 PM I hear heavy footsteps
crunching in the dry leaves, approaching us. Above us at 10 -
12 feet another white light is circling, unblinking around us.
We remain quietly watching as it slowly weaves among the trees.
Are we Dream Walking? It's hard to tell
the difference. I move into full alertness. No I am awake and
I hear someone approaching. I barely breathe. Glancing at the
rest of the group I can tell they hear it too, no one is talking
or moving. We listen and look, but all is black around us. I can't
even see Jean-Luc across from me and I wonder if he is not there.
Maybe he left to go to sleep in the van as he sometimes does.
Then suddenly the embers allow a small flame to leap up, and I
see Jean-Luc and everyone is there
. sitting around the hot
coals, frozen in place. Their faces wide-eyed with wonder.
Now we hear more big footsteps coming
towards us. A momentary question: Is it a family of bears? There
are no growls, no heavy breathing. Our hearts beat quickly.
Now a huge hulking figure is directly
behind me. The sounds of walking stops. I feel one tall huge Wise
One. standing silently. He blocks the breeze from me. I feel the
warmth from the body. I don't turn around. He is right there.
Occasionally he shifts on his feet behind me and I hear the crunch
of twigs underfoot.
As he stands there I am aware of the presence of other giants
circling us, the sound of hair brushing against itself as their
legs move and walk, some right behind us, others twenty feet away,
into the woods. They stop, they move. My heart begins to beat
normally again. They are not here to frighten us. They are here
to join our circle responding to our invitation.
I feel so much love for the group with
me, these dedicated women who feel an inexplicable love for the
Sasquatch people, as I do, as Jean-Luc does. Each person is special.
Although Yukie has a terrible cold and has been sneezing and blowing
her nose, now she remains silent. Helena begins to fidget in her
chair. I softly shhhhh her. She is quiet. Elaine, Alletta, Jean-Luc
are all totally motionless. We listen and wait unable to see anything
in the dark, moonless night, letting the Wise Ones set the protocol.
I sense that the Wise One behind me is
now stooping down on his haunches, relaxing, resting his arms
on his knees. He/She is close to my face and a little behind me.
He seems to have decided we are safe and we are not running away.
He stays.
For an entire hour, maybe more, our friends
remain with us. Sometimes they move around, walk away and then
come back. Always one stands directly behind me. Some come down
to our height by resting on one knee. Is it Tishoma? That is the
energy I feel - young, strong, tall, healthy, kind.
When the footsteps walk toward the picnic table I tune my ears
to hear any sounds of rustling paper, the wrappers on the food.
It helps me identify who is there. Raccoons? Foxes? Squirrels?
Bears? The Wise Ones are neat, animals are clumsy and noisy.
In the silence, I picture them looking
at the table offerings we left, but taking none of it. There is
a note I left saying it is for them. A banana, apple, jar of honey
peanut butter, cookies in cellophane, a Larimer rock from the
Alletta left a plastic bag with organic dried cherries, nuts and
chocolate, scooped from the bins at Whole Foods Store in town.
Later we find, this was the only thing they chose.
Soon they walk back to our circle. There
seems to be 6 or 7 close to us and many more on the periphery.
Tentative at first they become more bold as they see we are in
control of our emotions and we have no flashlights in hand. The
fear dissolves. We are all relaxed and yet unmoving, attentive,
hearing every sound and waiting to see what will happen next.
We are listening for any sign, any sound, so as not to miss anything.
We don't run away as other hunters and researchers do. We stay
with them. We experience as a group a break-through in contact!!!
We hold our ground. No talking, no fidgeting, no thoughts, no
The Wise Ones are taking the initiative.
We wait, willing to have the experience they are choosing. They
are the ones who decided to come AND reveal their presence to
us. We trust and love them. We are willing to go along with their
plan for the evening. This is how it must be. They have decided
they can trust us. They are staying with us.
I talk telepathically, thanking them, welcoming them.
All at once a message comes through from
"We came
knowing you were here this week
We came knowing this is your last night here
We came knowing you have no guns
We came knowing you will not shine flashlights at us
.. We came to Honor you."
I feel their love as I hear their words.
I realize how important it is to release
our dependence on flashlights. I remember past encounters in 2005
with other people who promptly aimed their light in whatever direction
there was a sound. Once we actually saw a wolf in the light. "We shape-shifted," the Medicine Woman told me. (into a wolf).
But mostly, at times like that, we saw
nothing. The Wise Ones would anticipate our behavior and disappear
immediately. I realized this desire to shine a flashlight is often
to overcome fear and distrust. An indication that the people were
not ready for the encounter.
Now focusing again on the Wise Ones around us, I search in my
mind for the vibes of Sasquatch children among our visitors. There
aren't any. Immediately they mentally show me their children back at the underground home with some adults. The Wise Ones often
surprise me with their ability to read my mind instantaneously
and respond.
Apparently tonight it is the adult Wise
Ones who agreed to come and meet with us. It was a mutual decision.
Some of the Sasquatch people are here as well. How kind. How dear,
how wonderful of them to risk coming and to come as gently, as
softly as possible, trying, hoping, not to frighten us
While at the same time, they absolutely wanted us to know of their
They came in 3-dimensional reality, in
their physical Earth bodies.
Suddenly Helena's flashlight drops out
of her pocket onto the ground with a clatter. We all inhale sharply,
hoping this won't cause them to leave.
Helena then tries to find it in the dark,
leaning over around her chair and swishing her hands in the dry
leaves, searching for it. She finally succeeds in locating it,
and then turns her flashlight on!!
The darkness is pierced by this light
and I say softly - Ohhhh, Shhhhh. She turns it off quickly and
becomes still, quiet, hardly breathing.
They are still here. They don't leave.
I think Helena amuses them. They seem curious about her. They
know her intentions are good. An hour has passed.
At some point there is more movement
as the footsteps begin receding slowly into the woods.
I feel the loving Wise One behind me
move away, walking to my right
. A feeling of gracefulness
for such a large body. Now I feel cool air as his protective body
no longer shields me from the night breezes.
It becomes obvious to everyone that they are leaving.
Wordlessly, we express gratitude to them
for joining our circle
As we hear the many footsteps in the dry leaves retreating, we
remain quiet and unmoving, relishing the lingering field of love
and appreciation around us. Absorbing the experience, unwilling
for it to end.
All is totally quiet now. They are gone.
We remain silent, deep in thought. Filled with sincere happiness.
After 20 minutes we pack up our chairs and leave for our cabins.
As we drive back to the campground, everyone
is elated, fulfilled, in a place of Gratitude and ready to sleep
deeply until morning when we leave for our respective flights
unexcavated mound
& petroglyphs
* Handfuls of pebbles thrown onto the
roof of our cabins at Campground.
* White lights. Also two red ones moving
at the edge of our circle.
* Elaine sees a distinct blue ball coming
toward her right when she is by herself in the dark. She is startled
and while trying to look up and see what it is, she looses her
balance and falls over backwards. A moment of hilarity!
* Distant Sasquatch sounds -- a variety
of growls, sighs, hooting, and whistles.
* Distinct, large bare footprints of
Sasquatch in the mud around our cabins after a heavy rain.
* Fascinating Dream Walking and telepathic
* We see an ETV in the sky. Very clearly.
* We hear Sasquatch or Wise Ones calls
every morning waking us from our sleep.
* They gift us with their physical presence
for an extended period of time.
* We receive a message to the group
sent to us via telepathy. This appears to be their preferred
mode of communication. Our written notes are not answered in
writing this week. Perhaps because other people have been coming
round to read the notes and make some of their own. Or it could
be that the Medicine Woman is not here this week. She is the
primary one who will communicate with written notes to us.
* They eat the organic food but not
the packaged foods.
* One evening when we arrive later than
usual in the forest, it is already dark. Usually we arrive before
sunset because we need to find dry wood for our fire. Picking
up some sticks and branches as we walk to the fire circle, we
are surprised to find a big stack of wood already waiting for
us. Someone has collected it for us and stacked it neatly. What
a wonderful gift.
* Two seedpods are teleported inside
Alletta's tent at 4:30 AM and fall on her. This of course is
impossible. Her tent has no holes and is entirely enclosed, but
she has the physical seedpods to show us. They dropped right
on her, waking her, as she slept.
* Jean-Luc's hat was tapped by a young
Sasquatch one night as we sat in the dark. It was a playful little
one. He heard her coming and standing behind him. Then she seemed
to want him to know that she was there.
* Another time, Yukie's jacket was gently
pulled back off her shoulder right when she was trying to put
it on. A feeling of their playfulness and sense of humor is being
communicated to us as they feel more comfortable in our presence.
* Elaine experiences the Medicine Woman's
father, Andan and sees many Orbs.
* A number of us had the sensation of
the trees moving
.. not their leaves, but the trunks of
the trees. Often the Sasquatch or the Wise Ones will stand behind
trees to watch us in the dark. The trees are narrower than they
are and so when heat lightning suddenly flashes in the forest,
we can see images of them concealed behind the trees. This however
did not seem the case on these nights. We had no rational explanation
for this phenomenon in which the large tree trunks seemed to
sway like cartoon animations.
Each person attending this Sasquatch retreat experienced personal
phenomena and incredible Dream Walking contacts with our friends.
I did not share their stories here.
Some of the messages from
the Wise Ones to Joan during this week were suggestions that she
- The historical and spiritual significance
of Orion
- The prophecies related to Orion
- The migrations of the Mayans
- The artifacts of the Mayans and the Sasquatch
- The actual role of the Mounds and the identity of the Mound
It is understood that following (uncovering)
these hidden facts will lead to a greater understanding of the
Sasquatch/Wise Ones' civilization, in preparation for sharing
their extraordinary culture with the human race; and would bring
to light some of the hidden truths about the origins of humans,
our relationship to each other and to other Star Nations.
