the Ancient Wise Ones
Friday, March 23, 2007

We leave a day earlier than planned because
I am longing to be back in the forest.
Checking out at 9.50 a.m. we drive north according to the Wise
One's plan for us. We are going to learn about Birdman today.
Researching this in advance, we know of the ceremonial artifacts,
buried with the honored leaders, of half man-half bird mystical
beings. In the archeological reports these are believed to be
mythical stories and symbols. However we believe that the Medicine
Woman of the Wise Ones has left this great teaching for the end
of the week - as we are more prepared. We are filled with expectation
and open to what will unfold. We feel that Birdman is a most
significant part of their life. Birdman as revealed by the Medicine
Woman is a powerful shaman of the Ancient Ones. There are effigies
of Birdman in a number of small museums.
Around eleven o'clock in the morning we
enter the Information Headquarters at the location given by the
guidance from the Wise Ones. Looking at the glass-enclosed artifacts
and the extra-large epic books of Pre-Columbian Cultures we find
Birdman effigies featured in one of the volumes. Many pictures
and copper carvings and shell art of a half bird-half man figure
are cataloged. This is all new information for us.
When we have completed looking at the photos in the books, we
walk over to the nearby mounds.
The Mound Builders were the leaders in
the old civilizations of what is now the USA. (Months later we
learn that famed psychic, Edgar Cayce has an entire book with
his accurate messages about the mound builders) The trading/religious
and elite leaders of this pre-Columbian location lived over a
large part of America from the Gulf of California to the Gulf
of Mexico, north to the great lakes. There were approximately
2 million people here 3000 years BC. They were successful traders,
co-operating for a peaceful and rich life style. There were no
wars, no violence. They understood they were one with nature.
They were a part of all the elements and life forms of nature
and they revered life.
Messages between villages were (believed
to be) sent via writings on special left-handed open couch shells
that originated in Florida (and were brought there from Florida).
These shell messages were the insignia of the elites to confirm
the messages came only from them. These unique conch shells were
of an unusual strength and fiber to allow these engravings.
Jean Luc and I leave the tourist building
and walk outside. We see a number of mounds, some are 30 feet
high, some are low and barely noticeable. The height is believed
to be created because living within certain cycles such as every
52 years families would burn everything they owned including
their clay and grass homes and then rebuild a new home atop the
old. (There are practical reasons why this was a good idea at
that time.)
However some of these mounds were temples for the Council of
I feel myself being drawn to this ancient
site and want to immerse myself in the energy. Setting aside
the brochure, we begin to circle the temple Mound. We then come
to a bench for sitting upon and for becoming quiet. Jean Luc
lies down on his back on the grass. I have my back to the Mound
and we are looking at a one-acre field of dry grass that has
small mounds around it.
I retrieve the crystal cluster from the
Medicine Woman that is in my pocket, while Jean Luc holds the
white stone he received from her. We close our eyes, enjoying
the mild weather. A loud bumble bee flies around me during this
entire experience. Tuning in, I make my connection to the earth
and to the Ancients and ask for Birdman - to reveal his presence
to me.
As I go deeper and deeper, a form comes
into view. I see someone with full length wings, with a human
body and head with a large beak. Birdman is responding to my
call. Telepathically he reminds me of his time in the physical
plane on Earth in this place.
The field I am facing once contained a
huge earthen structure (mud, rock, crystals etc.) that was very
high and had a flat top. It was like a temple.
It was the place where Birdman lived and/or manifested.
He could be seen up there, many stories high on the flat platform,
by the people who lived in the surrounding community here. He
counseled with the Ancient Ones, the astute leaders
. and
decisions were made for the good of the people. It was beneficial,
loving and spiritual. The decisions were based on Advanced Wisdom
from the Source (God).
When their council sessions were complete,
Birdman could be seen ascending, using his wings to fly into
low-lying clouds. He demonstrated this to me, giving me a picture-image
of his history, as he was telling it to me. I felt like I was
remembering it. It seemed familiar to me.
I believe the elder leaders of the people
were aware that Birdman was in consultation with many more beings
who were part of his advanced civilization beyond the clouds.
At some point in history, the massive cloud that would appear
above the temple began to thin, allowing people on the ground
to see a huge structure standing stationary in the sky above
the temple/mound. Soon it was common knowledge that the Shaman,
Birdman, resided among his own people in the sky, over-seeing
the Mound Builders on Earth.
The populations on earth were not encouraged
to become "worshippers", but to avail themselves of
the advanced knowledge of Birdman, to become avid scholars and
earthly stewards with human, animal and elemental species, with
galactic forces, electro-magnetic fields and the cycles and powers
of the sun, wind and water.
The people welcomed the family of Birdman, sight unseen, and
everyone lived for the good of the tribes people, being equal
and loved.
This was Creator-centered and in soul-contact with physical and
non-physical beings. (Including the ancestors who had 'passed
on' and yet remained to give wise counsel to the masses.) This
was symbolized by the re-building of new homes on top of the
ashes of the old homes.
When Earth people died, their soul aspects
remained available to confer with family members. The community
leaders' souls remained in spirit within the temple to advise
the new leaders. It was a spiritually-centered life.
According to the Wise Ones the spirits in the bones of the elders
of the Ancient Ones, were interred within the layers of earth,
renewed by cyclical fires, and re-construction of the Mounds,
the homes, the Temples. The time of re-growth (the spring Equinox)
was revered, as ancient wisdom streamed from all the plants,
births, new councils, returning constellations, at that propitious
time in Earth's cycle. The constellation containing Orion's belt
was seen directly above them in the sky at this time. This was
the place of origin of the Ancient Ones. People lived their lives
in deep oneness and kinship with the Earth, the elements and
the Sky people.
Now Birdman showed me one more piece of
the story. He gave me the view of him/herself as he entered the
space vehicle above the clouds.
Upon entering the reception area of the
great floating disk-shaped structure, he was met by his kinsmen
on the ship. They were very tall Nordic beings, handsome of face
and human-like. His form as Birdman changed. He let me see that
he was one of the Starpeople and he was a Nordic as well. To
work kindly and sensitively with the Mound Builders he appeared
in a form they accepted as part of their mythology. He was part
bird and part man. How appropriate! How inspiring for them.
The people loved the humanitarian Birdman
and eventually, when the people were ready, the huge floating
disk in the clouds was lowered into view, hovering above the
flat roof of the temple, allowing the Mound Builder leaders and
medicine people to enter. There they sat in counsel with the
spiritual Birdman tribe and continued to pass on their wisdom
to all the people who resided in 'North America' in those ancient
of days.
The journey was over. As Jean Luc and
I opened our eyes and he stretched and stood up, the bumble bee
became quiet and flew away. Side by side, we walked directly
into the now empty-appearing field and across it to the far side,
wishing to feel its magic again. It was the place where once
a huge Mound existed, now physically removed, but visible in
etheric planes.
As we stood there, still surrounded
by the beauty of the Birdman people, feeling the peacefulness
of a spiritual life in deep contact with Nature; a wind suddenly
came up, blowing hard, flying open our jackets, tossing our hair
and refreshing our upturned faces. It was a good wind with a
flowery fragrance floating around us. It came up so suddenly
out of nowhere and as we inhaled deeply, we received it as a
sign, a welcome, a hello
.. We looked at each other, smiled
and said nothing. There was no need for words.
Thank you so much dear Ancient Ones,
dear Sasquatch friends for this experience we share in common.
Thank you for dream walking with me. More wind now, blowing my
hair in my eyes, blowing the pages off my notebook, announcing
the presence of Birdman
Throughout this revelation I experienced
being there. It was occurring Now. In the way of my friend the
Medicine Woman and the Ancient Ones, we
were Dream Walking. The past and the present had no separation.
I easily traversed them both, Dream Walking into other dimensions.